I haven't been updating my blog for many months already, so it ain't surprising if peope stop reading my blog. I am really bored at home now, so why not? Just blog lor. As you can see, this is my only blog post left in this pathetic blog, that's cause I deleted all my past post cos it only brings back bad memories which I don't wish to remember ever again. Right, i'm talking about a ex of mine. We were so close. Even thought of getting engaged after my 3 year of poly. Now? Dreams are crashed. My trust for him just left me crying in tears. I was hurt deeply. I didn't expect him to break up with me. Till now, I still can't trust someone that easily anymore. Relationship to me are just lies. "Guys will be guys" That's my favourite sentence now. Well? Beg to differ? Than that's your problem. Ain't mine. All I every wanted was someone to love me for who I am. If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best. #Singleftw (Y)
Besides talking about r/s problem and stuffs, yea I wanna RANT OUT LOUD !
Apparently I was at phuture just two days ago, which is on wed ladies night. And if you follow me on twitter or added me in facebook, you will know what happen to me. YES I GOT DRUNK AND LOST MY PHONE. I remember vomitting outside phuture and I was told I even vomitted inside phuture! Omfg sia. I was so dead drunk that I can't even stand properly? My friend and even the bouncer there had to pull me out. And also because of that, I fall many many times. Head also got knock many times. Left me with many bruises on my arm/leg and like two bumps on my head? Yea. Okaycan. When i'm drunk, I don't care about anthing. Cos I practically can't feel anything. What's worst was the hangover part. My head was hurting like a bitch and my world is spinning. I woke up several times at night just to vomit too. That totally sucks big time. Oh wait! I'M SUPPOSE TO BE TALKING ABOUT MY PHONE! Back to topic. It totally sucks that I lost all my contacts. No free unlimited text, free in-coming calls, out-going calls and worst?! NO 3G. Kill me x________x Curse that person who took my phone and not returning.
Tomorrow is Sat. Big big day for Zone 5 SJAB I guess? It's our Annual First-Aid Competition. As usual, I had been going down secondary school to train my juniors. But I still feel they are not ready for it. They still don't take it seriously and aren't training hard enough? Well, that's what I feel. But no matter what the resuts are, I will be glad to know they are already trying their best and I'm proud of ever single one of them. For those that know me, they would know how crazily in love I am with sjab. It's like a part of me. Nothing could even seperate the bond I had with my juniors. I fucking LOVE them all <3
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