Yes you see my titile above? TEXT ME WITH YOUR NAME, IF YOU HAVE MY NUMBER. Tyvm <3 If you guys had read my past post, you will know that I had lost my phone. Eventually, including all my contacts as well. Hence, TEXT ME LIKE RIGHT NOW! And for some reason, some how? I miss the phone at the top of this post. No matter how many times you drop it, it won't fail you or anything. It even have my favourite game! "The Snake"? HAHA. Well, if only relationship could be that strong no matter how many times a couple quarrels. Yes as you can see, I have absolutely no faith in r/s now. Because of what I had been through. "Guys will be guys". People are saying, not all guys are the same. But nah? I rather not let my guards down anymore. A few days/weeks/months of sweet talk can win me over easily, but when they got me? Will they still treat me as good and sweet as they were before they win me over? I'm always having this negative thoughts when it comes to r/s. Sigh..cos of a jerk. Oh well? Anyway, i'm suppose to be updating about what I had been doing today, so yea? Met up with Jian Xing at Bukit Timah Plaza for lunch before my lesson starts at 1pm. And than he walked me to my HS block and that's when he realise how freaking far HS block is. And I totally regretted not asking him to stay with me for my lecture. I was like so bored during lecture? Wei jie beside me like...than the guy beside me like....and i'm like.... yea okay. You understand what i'm saying. Lecture is never interesting. It's more like a timeslot for me to play on my itouch and text on phone. Luckily it only lasted for 1hr -.- Next was 2hs of tutorial. The lecturer is funny? Maybe cos of her pronounciation since she came from HK. And nabei. Dumbass Wei Jie sabo me. Now teacher call me "the naughty one". LOL. Is not naughty lor. Tsk :@ Than we were told to form our own team, so coincidentaly we are already seating in group of fives. Our group was insane. We make the most noise! And were the first to stand up when she said we are able to go. Than back home to nua and also webcam with Jian Xing before I went down Jcube to look for my bitch. 6 of us went skate today: Me, Bitch, Bitch's bro, Bitch's boyf, Dominic and Yixiang. IT WAS FUN FUN FUN. *Except for the tiredness and pain on my leg* Ended skating at 9.30pm then drove her brother back home before we 5 went over Newton for supper. Had tze char and ordered a lot of food sia. I'm a fatty bom bom ): Lastly, home sweet home <3 Goodnight all. Sweet dreams. Xoxo. REMEMBER TO TEXT ME WITH YOUR NAME IF YOU HAVE NUMBER.
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