First day of my Year 2 in poly. But I ain't excited about it. That's cos today is an all lecture day. One word:
BORING. So, today lesson suppose to start at 11am. But Wei jie and I both late so we decided to skip lecture. HAHA! Skipping lesson on first day? Okaycan. Seeing all those freshies today remind me of my first day in school. I'm like blur and can even get lost in school ! LOL. Today I also realised that there's toastbox/mos burger/new canteen open in sch. I'm like wtf? You only open when I wanna quit sch liaos ?! Seriously ? FUUUUUUUU _I_ K, went back home after sch ends with shannan than nua at home for like about 20 min? Before Jian Xing suddenly told me his class ends early and I had to leave house and walk back to school again to meet him for dinner. Than slack ? Lastly, home sweet home <3
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